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Male thinspo site

Posted on April 28 2016 by Kaiden James

​Hey all.. Sorry I've not been too active. School stuff. Except I'm a liar, haha. This week has been a huge binge week, I've been too ashamed of myself to post much. I wasn't feeling like I deserved to preach about how to be skinny if I was being such a hypocritical piggy.. I'm getting over that though, I can't let a bad week turn into a bad month or, God forbid, a bad year. My friend and I are going on a new diet in a bit, we're hoping to help support each other so it's easier XD we both tend to do a thing nwhere we eat a bad food and give up on our diets and binge bad XD it's an awful habit, really is, sets us back a lot. But yeah, we're gonna try to be cooler about it. I'll let everybody know how it goes. Cx

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